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FRIGG Fairytale is a pacifier inspired by the work of the Danish author H. C. Andersen. He is best known for his fantastic fairytales, but his creative mind did not only show through his words; it also showed through his magical paper cuttings.
FRIGG Fairytale with scalloped edges and hearts surrounding the shield mimic one specific paper cutting by H. C. Andersen. The 8 little hearts support the universality of his creative work, and they symbolize love, the universal language of the world. This is the inspiration that lies within the FRIGG Fairytale pacifiers: They are approachable for everyone because love is a language, everyone can speak and understand.
FRIGG Fairytale is a round pacifier with a round nipple shape. The round pacifier resembles a mother’s breast in both shape and material. The explanation for this is that when the child is about to breastfed, the tongue rolls up around the nipple and creates a vacuum, which causes the milk to flow. When the child sucks on a round pacifier, it rolls its tongue around it the same way.
The round shape is recommended by the pediatric chiropractors and maternity hotels in Denmark.
Each FRIGG Fairytale pacifier color is named by his well-known fairytales, which give the pacifiers a touch of imagination.
"When night comes on and children still sit in good order around the table, or on their little stools, Ole Lukoie arrives."
We all know the color of the dusk, slight bluish with a little touch of gray, just like this beautiful pacifier.
"If I can't have a horse I'll take the billy goat," said Clumsy Hans. "He belongs to me, and he can carry me very well. "So he mounted the billy goat, dug his heels into its sides, and galloped off down the highway."
‘Clumsy Hans’ is the color of Hans’ sweet goat; if it wasn’t for that goat Hans would have never married the princess.